

Daughter Indonesia 2010 Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames
Thousands of Solo citizen and its surroundings Saturday ( 25 / 6) night, drug paint the walk as long as five km in Road of Slamet Riyadi. They witness the luxury event pride of Solo of Batik Carnival ( SBC) of fourth, Besides standing alongside route, some audience group also witness the carnival procession of is from the top of podium founded in eight location
 SBC to 4 this followed by about 600 competitor, inclusive of 225 competitor which at one blow designer of costume SBC. They impose immeasurable of divisible costume in four group of according to theme "Legend Miracle."
Carnival started from cross-road Purwosari and end in City Hall page the Surakarta is also witnessed by Proxy of Minister of Communication of Bambang Susantono in honour podium residing in departure location. Event opened by Mayor of solo of Joko Widodo consorted by the Acting Mayor of FX Hadi Rudiyatmo accompanied by one hundred Pennon Dance from Teacher Society Dance the Indonesia ( Pagutri) later Joko Widodo join in line go to the City Hall.
 Proud is joining in child - age child early in this carnival. They vigorously fringe each;every catwalk as long as five kilometre although have to in wrapping cloth and also crown which enough heavily.

 There is four legend lifted at this SBC, namely Ratu Pantai Selatan, Roro Jonggrang, Ratu Kencana Wungu dan Ande-ande Lumut. Solo of Batik Carnival which nowadays become the that Solo Town icon is glorious also attended it him Daughter Indonesia 2010 Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames, Reisa Kartikasari (Daughter Environment Indonesia.), Inda Endaliani ( Daughter Intelligentsia Indonesia), and also Alessandra Khadijah Usman ( Daughter Tourism Indonesia )
 Fourth Have a daughter that Indonesia become the separate magnet for visitor. They get the greeting from audience as long as taking place it carnival
In that opportunity, Nadine come up to impose the costume of Coastal Queen legend figure [of] South Arch Or Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, is Reisa Kartikasari of Coastal personating pepatih empire of South arch, imposing costume of Nyai Roro Kidul. For a while Alessandra and Inda even also come up the moment classyness hence costume of Ratu Kencono Wungu.
 Even, without having to walk, do not like other competitor, Nadine come up to fascinate the moment reside in for cart which is in design of like a empire throne. With the costume designed with the combination of batik of have motif to of Tirto Tejo to in and motif of big knife of outside, adding that buttonhole legendary charisma.
 And surely throne occupied will reside in for water within reason a empire in sea. That group is also consorted by team of soldier PDAM. '' Jaga Tirta as Coastal Queen's proctor of]South arch of  to be more according to. That soldier also bring the umbrella of empire highness. medley of Appearance of legend figure of early Ande-Ande Lumt, Roro Jonggrang, Ratu Kencana Wungu and last of Ratu Pantai Selatan. Besides followed by competitor SBC, carnival [is] also followed by supporter in the form of Pennon Dance from Teacher Society Dance The Indonesia ( Pagutri), Dance The Mbabar Batik ( SMKN 8) and three soldier group consisted of by the Keraton Surakarta, Conscious PDAM Group And of Tourism ( Pokdarwis). group of Soldier of Keraton Surakarta and Pokdarwis reside in vanguard as opener walker, besides from voorijders police. Hereafter soldier line, come up the group of Ande-Ande Lumut accompanied by 10 figure that is Prince Inukertapati, Ande-Ande Lumut, Yuyu Kangkang, Dewi Sekartaji, Kleting Kuning, Mbok Rondo Dadapan, flamingo and also a number of girl which other personating klething 

In second sequence, Roro Jonggrang present the carnival character consisted of by the figure of Roro Jonggrang, group of genie and nymph, Prabu Baka, group have a daughter the temple and also Bandung Bandawasa 
 Sajian SBC more and more to see luxury attended it[him] Monarchic Queen figure of Majapahit, Ratu Kencana Wungu, is also presented by a dance composition depicting war of soldier Majapahit by Blambangan. Carnival Costume predominated by the that young and old purple give the impression exotic of at the group appearance.

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